Graviton M1 3.2 Software Update

New Features:

  • Toggling CC/PC Messages: (A/B Toggling) Switch between two different set of CC/PC Messages within the same Preset. Added Toggling CC/PC Messages will be sent when the Toggling On or Momentary On setting is enabled, and the Preset is in “Toggled Off” state (when the Preset name turns gray). Also works great with Momentary On mode for holding notes / effects.
  • Invert Up / Down: swaps the functionality of the XY Controller's up and down buttons, making it so that X up becomes X down and Y up becomes Y down. This is helpful for players who prefer the up/down switching orientation to mirror the screen instead of following it.
  • Toggle State Display: Preset Library / XY Controllers / Footswitch Pedals Screens now display the Toogle State (On/Off) of all Presets, which is useful for keeping track of all states at a glance. MIDI Editor Screen also highlights which MIDI Messages are active if Toggling On or Momentary On mode is enabled. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where TRS 1 Jack has to switch to Footswitch mode and then back to MIDI Out again after restarting for MIDI Out to work again.
  • Fixed Momentary On mode not working (from 3.1 update).
  • Fixed last changed CC value not saved in some cases (from 3.1 update)

User Manual:

Luminite Graviton M1 User Manual 3.2

How to Update:

  • Go to Settings > Update >  Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • The update process typically takes 2-3 minutes. If it hangs up or takes longer than that, tap cancel or power cycle the device and try again.
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