Graviton M1 / M2 4.6.0 Software Update

New Features:

In comparison to version 4.5.0:

  • Bluetooth MIDI is now switchable between Peripheral and Central mode.
  • Bluetooth Central Mode: Connect with up to 6 other Bluetooth MIDI devices or Graviton M1/M2s in Peripheral Mode.  
  • Settings > Bluetooth menu: New items: Scan / Pair / Unpair / PIN Code / Connection Status.
  • New Message: A/B: Send messages before and after this block alternatively.
  • New Toogling Mode: Rotation: Send each message in the same Preset in rotation.
  • Tap Tempo: Directly assignable to a button.
  • Setlist Mode: Per-song setup BPM.
  • Setlist Mode: Per-song setup Preset (1st to 10th Song Preset, from Song Library, or none)
  • Setlist Mode: Scroll Through options: Off, Wrap-Around, Scroll to the next Song/Setlist.
  • Stomp Mode: Send MIDI without changing Preset.
  • New Option: TRS > Expression > Smoother Sweeps: Increase expression smoothness, but slower UI updates.
  • Added: Expression pedal calibration position feedback.
  • Fixed: Expression CC / CV / Clock only work in MIDI Editor (when being used as per-preset). 
  • Fixed: Chained Preset only work properly now.
  • Fixed: USB Host not working with Keyboard enabled
  • Numerous UI bug fixes and improvements.

    How to Update / Rollback:

    • Go to Settings > Update / Rollback > Follow the on-screen instructions.
    • You can switch between Beta and the last Stable Release anytime without loosing programmed data.
    • It's recommended to stay on the Stable Release for gigging.

    User Manual:

    Luminite Graviton M1 / M2 User Manual 4.5.0


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